Results for 'Critique Of Metaphysics'

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  1.  44
    Levinas's skeptical critique of metaphysics and. 47v77-humanism.Critique Of Metaphysics - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout (eds.), Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 7.
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  2. The Critique of Metaphysics: The Structure and Fate of Kant's Dialectic.Karl Ameriks - 2006 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 269--302.
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    Two models of critique of metaphysics: Kant and Hegel.Dietmar Heidemann - unknown
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    Hegels Critique of Metaphysics (B. Longuenesse).Ludovicus De Vos - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):772-773.
  5. (1 other version)Ayer's Critique of Metaphysics.Damian Ilodigwe - 2014 - EKPOMA Review 2 (2014):35-55.
    Ayer’s critique of Metaphysics is much indebted to Hume and Kant’s pioneering appraisals of metaphysics. Its uniqueness lies mainly in the attempt to ground the rejection of metaphysics on a linguistic basis rather than epistemic premise as Hume and Kant before him. Yet it remains to be seen whether Ayer’s initiative fares better than its predecessors in discrediting metaphysics.
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  6. A Critique of Metaphysical Thinking.T. Parent - manuscript
    Draft of March 2022. This is a draft of the front matter and ch. 1, for a new book manuscript on metametaphysics.
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  7. Critique Of Metaphysics In The Philosophy Of Ghazali And KantGazali Ve Kant Felsefelerinde Metafizik Eleştirisi.İlyas Altuner - 2012 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 5 (1):22-30.
    Our study aims to deal with different and similar conditions between Ghazali and Kant, as characters that can show two different thinking forms and two different cultural structures in their thoughts, in context of the same subject. We will deal with why and how that the approaches of both thinkers to the subject transcendental dialectic occur by passing through which stages and try to display that both cultural world incline to this subject by which aim.Çalışmamız iki ayrı düşünme biçimi ve (...)
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  8. Hegel's critique of metaphysics.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's Science of Logic has received less attention than his Phenomenology of Spirit, but Hegel himself took it to be his highest philosophical achievement and the backbone of his system. The present book focuses on this most difficult of Hegel’s published works. Béatrice Longuenesse offers a close analysis of core issues, including discussions of what Hegel means by ‘dialectical logic’, the role and meaning of ‘contradiction’ in Hegel’s philosophy, and Hegel’s justification for the provocative statement that ‘what is actual is (...)
  9. On Putnam's critique of metaphysical realism: Mind-body identity and supervenience.Ausonio Marras - 2001 - Synthese 126 (3):407-426.
    As part of his ongoing critique of metaphysical realism, Hilary Putnam has recently argued that current materialist theories of mind that locate mental phenomena in the brain can make no sense of the proposed identifications of mental states with physical (or physical cum computational) states, or of the supervenience of mental properties with physical properties. The aim of this paper is to undermine Putnam's objections and reassert the intelligibility – and perhaps the plausibility – of some form of mind-body (...)
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    Wittgenstein’s Critique of Metaphysics in the Tractatus.Thomas A. Fay - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:51-61.
    SINCE the work of Gottlob Frege the question of sense and meaning has been regarded by logicians as perhaps the most important problem of philosophy. We may gain some idea of how important this question is to the modern logician from the words of one of the leading analytical philosophers, Gilbert Ryle.
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  11. Metaphysics and the Critique of Metaphysics.Alain Badiou - 2000 - Pli 10:174-190.
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  12. (1 other version)The critique of metaphysics: Kant and traditional ontology.Karl Ameriks - 1992 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 249--79.
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    Hegel's Critique of Metaphysics.Nicole J. Simek (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's Science of Logic has received less attention than his Phenomenology of Spirit, but Hegel himself took it to be his highest philosophical achievement and the backbone of his system. The present book focuses on this most difficult of Hegel's published works. Béatrice Longuenesse offers a close analysis of core issues, including discussions of what Hegel means by 'dialectical logic', the role and meaning of 'contradiction' in Hegel's philosophy, and Hegel's justification for the provocative statement that 'what is actual is (...)
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    The critique of metaphysics: Kant and traditional ontology.Alison Laywine & Eric Watkins - 1992 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--249.
  15. Kant's critique of metaphysics.Michelle Grier - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  16. A Nietzschean Critique of Metaphysical Philosophy.Jonathan Mitchell - 2017 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48 (3):347-374.
    This article provides a new account of Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysical philosophy. After framing Nietzsche’s anti-metaphysical project (Section 1), I suggest that to understand the logic of his critique we should reconstruct a taxonomy which distinguishes between ‘rich metaphysics’ and ‘thin metaphysics’ (Section 2). I then consider Nietzsche’s methodological critique of ‘rich metaphysics’, arguing that his position, which alleges motivational bias against ‘rich metaphysics’, is not compelling, since even granting that previous ‘rich metaphysicians’ (...)
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  17. Overcoming the Heideggerian Critique of Metaphysical "Oysía" [Greek].Bernadette O'connor - 1987 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 61:151.
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  18. Hegel's Critique of Metaphysics.Béatrice Longuenesse & Nicole J. Simek - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):772-773.
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  19. Béatrice Longuenesse: Hegel's Critique of Metaphysics.Sebastian Ostritsch - 2009 - Hegel-Studien 44:200.
  20. Kant's Critique of Metaphysics.N. Kulkarni - 2004 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1-4):37.
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    Critique of Metaphysical Violence.Maxwell Kennel - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (1):125-162.
    Cette étude rapproche les perspectives philosophiques laïques et les perspectives théologiques chrétiennes en montrant comment la critique de la violence métaphysique est commune à certains représentants des deux parties. En examinant spécifiquement les méthodes métaphysiques et, par conséquent, épistémologiquement significatives permettant de critiquer la violence, cette étude cherche à montrer que, tout comme la violence traverse le fossé sacré-laïque et couvre la distance entre l’abstraction et l’action, il en va de même de la critique de la violence.
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  22. Hegel's Critique of Metaphysics in Science.Luca Illetterati - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    Scientific Philosophy and the Critique of Metaphysics from Russell to Carnap to Quine.Sean Morris - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (4):773-799.
    In his “Wissenschaftslogik: The Role of Logic in the Philosophy of Science,” Michael Friedman argues that Carnap’s philosophy of science “is fundamentally anti-metaphysical—he aims to use the tools of mathematical logic to dissolve rather [than] solve traditional philosophical problems—and it is precisely this point that is missed by his logically-minded contemporaries such as Hempel and Quine”. In this paper, I take issue with this claim, arguing that Quine, too, is a part of this anti-metaphysical tradition. I begin in section I (...)
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    Socrates and the critique of metaphysics.Ian Angus - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (4):299-314.
    An extended critique of the applicability of Martin Heidegger and Friedrich Nietzsche's thesis of the end of metaphysics to the philosophical practice of Socrates.
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  25. Fichte and the Critique of Metaphysics in Fichte and Contemporary Philosophy.Alexis Philonenko - 1988 - Philosophical Forum 19 (2-3):124-139.
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  26. Eino Kaila's critique of metaphysics.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2012 - In Ilkka Niiniluoto & Sami Pihlström (eds.), Reappraisals of Eino Kaila's philosophy. Helsinki: Philosophical Society of Finland.
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    Nietzsche's Critique of Metaphysics.R. Kevin Hill - 2013 - New Nietzsche Studies 9 (1):134-154.
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  28. Kant's Reform of Metaphysics: The Critique of Pure Reason Reconsidered.Karin de Boer - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Scholarly debates on the Critique of Pure Reason have largely been shaped by epistemological questions. Challenging this prevailing trend, Kant's Reform of Metaphysics is the first book-length study to interpret Kant's Critique in view of his efforts to turn Christian Wolff's highly influential metaphysics into a science. Karin de Boer situates Kant's pivotal work in the context of eighteenth-century German philosophy, traces the development of Kant's conception of critique, and offers fresh and in-depth analyses of (...)
  29. Carnap’s epistemological critique of metaphysics.Darren Bradley - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):2247-2265.
    Many who take a dismissive attitude towards metaphysics trace their view back to Carnap’s ‘Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology’. But the reason Carnap takes a dismissive attitude to metaphysics is a matter of controversy. I will argue that no reason is given in ‘Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology’, and this is because his reason for rejecting metaphysical debates was given in ‘Pseudo-Problems in Philosophy’. The argument there assumes verificationism, but I will argue that his argument survives the rejection of verificationism. (...)
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  30. Is Kant's Critique of Metaphysics Obsolete?Nicholas Stang - manuscript
    I raise a problem about the possibility of metaphysics originally raised by Kant: what explains the fact that the terms in our metaphysical theories (e.g. “property”) refer to entities and structures (e.g. properties) in the world? I distinguish a meta-metaphysical view that can easily answer such questions (“deflationism”) from a meta-metaphysical view for which this explanatory task is more difficult (which I call the “substantive” view of metaphysics). I then canvass responses that the substantive metaphysician can give to (...)
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    Choosing Either/Or: A Critique of Metaphysical FeminismGoing Too Far.Judith Clavir & Robin Morgan - 1979 - Feminist Studies 5 (2):402.
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    Heidegger's Pragmatism: Understanding, Being, and the Critique of Metaphysics.Mark Okrent - 1988 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Heidegger's Pragmatism deals with the relation between Martin Heidegger's early analysis of intentionality and his eventual rejection of metaphysics. Arguing for the essentially pragmatic nature of the early Heidegger's discussion of understanding, Mark Okrent shows that Heidegger's subsequent critique of metaphysics follows directly from his long-held pragmatic understanding of intentionality. Heidegger's Pragmatism is written with a clarity that makes it accessible to analytic and continental philosophers alike. Its boldly original conclusions will engage Heidegger scholars, literary theorists, intellectual (...)
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  33. A Critique of Humean and Anti-Humean Metaphysics of Cause and Law - final version.Benjamin Smart - manuscript
    Metaphysicians play an important role in our understanding of the universe. In recent years, physicists have focussed on finding accurate mathematical formalisms of the evolution of our physical system - if a metaphysician can uncover the metaphysical underpinnings of these formalisms; that is, why these formalisms seem to consistently map the universe, then our understanding of the world and the things in it is greatly enhanced. Science, then, plays a very important role in our project, as the best scientific formalisms (...)
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  34. The Critique of Nishida Kitarō by Sōda Kiichirō: A Metaphysical Issue.Michel Dalissier - 2015 - Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies 12 (1):75-110.
    In 1927 Nishida Kitarô wrote a response to the critique of Sôda Kiichirô, represents an unprecedented occasion to rebuild, in a suggestive way, his "topological logic" –– an expression to be discussed in this paper ––, in particular concerning the quirks of a certain kind of metaphysics. More positively, it helps us to cast some light on his understanding of the history of German Philosophy since Kant. Taking this essay as a cornerstone, I would like to take the (...)
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  35. Transcendental Dialectic: Critique of Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Ghazali and Kant.Ilyas Altuner - 2011 - Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences (31):49-57.
    Our study aims to deal with different and similar conditions between Ghazzali and Kant, as characters at whom can show two different thinking form and two different cultural structure in their thoughts, in the context of the same subject. The article investigates the stages of these two thinkers approaches to the topic of transcendental dialectic and tries to display that why and how two different cultural worlds incline to this subject.
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    Analytical Critiques of Whitehead's Metaphysics.Leemon B. Mchenry & George W. Shields - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (3):483-503.
    ABSTRACT:Analytic philosophers have criticized A. N. Whitehead's metaphysics for being obscure, yet several such philosophers have espoused positions in metaphysics and philosophy of mind that were advanced by Whitehead in the 1920s. In this paper, we evaluate the merits and demerits of these criticisms by Bertrand Russell, W. V. Quine, Karl Popper, and others and then demonstrate the affinities and contrasts in the positions advanced by Galen Strawson, David Chalmers, Thomas Nagel, and Whitehead regarding so-called ‘analytic panexperientialism’.
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  37. Critique of the neoparmenidean metaphysical monism of Severino, Emanuele.U. Soncini - 1993 - Filosofia 44 (1):137-178.
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    Systematic Assumptions in Dilthey’s Critique of Metaphysics.Thomas Nenon - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (3):41-57.
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  39. Béatrice Longuenesse: Hegel’s Critique of Metaphysics[REVIEW]Christopher Yeomans - 2012 - The Philosophical Review 121:472-474.
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    Substantive Philosophy, Infallibilism and the Critique of Metaphysics: Hegel and the Historicity of Philosophical Reason.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2013 - In Lisa Herzog (ed.), Hegel's Thought in Europe: Currents, Crosscurrents and Undercurrents. Palgrave. pp. 192.
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    An Analysis of Heidegger’s Critique of Metaphysics’ Approach to the Nothing from a Muslim Philosopher's perspectives.Alireza Hassanpoor & Javad Nazari - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (2):299-315.
    Heidegger’s most significant critique of metaphysics is that the history of metaphysics is the history of the forgetting of being. However, he also criticizes metaphysics for forgetting the nothing. Metaphysics fails to adequately address both being and nothingness, neglecting the nothing and treating it as a conceptual abstraction without objective reference. Metaphysics reduces discussions of the nothing to mere figurative expressions. However, by drawing on the approach of a contemporary Muslim philosopher who examines the (...)
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  42. Is Self-Consciousness a Case of presence à soi? Towards a Meta-critique of the Recent French Critique of Metaphysics.Manfred Frank - 1992 - In David Wood (ed.), Derrida: a critical reader. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 218--34.
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    The Critique of Biology Implied by Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics.Dimitri Ginev - 2018 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 8:36-80.
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    The critique of pure reason as metaphysics.Olli Koistinen - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.), Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA. pp. 119.
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    Castrated ontologizing: A Lacanian critique of metaphysical desire.Lucas Buchanan Carroll - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (4):312-334.
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  46. Jaina Critique of the Metaphysical Doctrines of the Heretics with Special Reference to the Doctrine of 'Self as Presented in the Sutrakrtahga'.V. V. S. Saibaba - 1997 - In Vashishtha Narayan Jha (ed.), Jaina logic and epistemology. Delhi, India: Sri Sadguru Publications. pp. 209--89.
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    Nietzschean Tragic Outlook as a Critique of Metaphysics.Józef L. Krakowiak - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (3):223-236.
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    Kant´s Critique of Pure Reason as a Reform of Metaphysics.Miguel Herszenbaun - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 16:269-271.
    _Review of: __de Boer, Karin, _Kant’s Reform of Metaphysics. The Critique of Pure Reason Reconsidered_, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 280, ISBN 978-1-108-84217-4___.
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    Heidegger's Pragmatism: Understanding, Being and the Critique of Metaphysics, and: Heidegger, Kant and Time.John Protevi - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (4):631-633.
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    Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics by Catalina González Quintero (review).Zuzana Parusniková - 2023 - Hume Studies 48 (2):346-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics by Catalina González QuinteroZuzana ParusnikováCatalina González Quintero. Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics. Cham: Springer, 2022. Pp. 268. Hardcover. ISBN: 978-3-030-89749-9. £99.99.This book is a valuable contribution to the rapidly expanding field of research into the formative impact of ancient skepticism on early modern philosophy. This new paradigm (...)
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